- Stanislav Burov, From Quenched Disorder to Continuous Time Random Walk Physical Review E. (2017)
- David A. Kessler and Stanislav Burov, Effective Potential for Cellular Size Control arXiv:17007.05072 (2017).
- Patrick Figliozzi, Nishant Sule, Zijie Yan, Ying Bao, Stanislav Burov, Stephen K. Gray, Stuart A. Rice, Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan, and Norbert Scherer, Driven optical matter: Dynamics of electrodynamically coupled nanoparticles in an optical ring vortex Physical Review E. 95, 022604 (2017).
- David A. Kessler and Stanislav Burov Stochastic Maps, Continuous Approximation and Stable Distribution arXiv:1612.08703 (2016).
- Stanislav Burov and Moshe Gitterman The Noisy Oscillator: Random Mass and Random Damping, Physical Review E. 94, 052144 (2016).
- Stanislav Burov, Patrick Figliozzi, Binhua Lin, Stuart A. Rice, Norbert F. Scherer, Aaron R. Dinner Single-pixel interior filling function (SPIFF) approach for detecting and correcting errors in particle tracking Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2016).
- Monika Scholz, Stanislav Burov, Kimberly L Weirich, Björn J Scholz, SM Ali Tabei, Margaret L Gardel, Aaron R Dinner Cycling State that Can Lead to Glassy Dynamics in Intracellular Transport. Physical Review X. 6, 011037 (2016).
- Iyer-Biswas , C. Wright , J. Henry , S. Burov , Y. Lin , G. E. Crooks , S. Crosson , A. R Dinner, Norbert F. Scherer, Scaling laws governing stochastic growth and division of single bacterial cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2014).
- S. Burov, S. M. A. Tabei, T. Huynh, M. Murrel, S. A. Rice, M. Gardel, N. F. Scherer, A. R. Dinner Distribution of directional change as a signature of complex dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 110, 19689 (2013).
- S. Burov, S. M. A. Tabei, T. Huynh, M. Murrel, S. A. Rice, M. Gardel, N. F. Scherer, A. R. Dinner Distribution of directional change as a signature of complex dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 110, 19689 (2013).
- S. Nagy, C. Wright, N. Tramm, N. Labello, S. Burov, and D. Biron, A longitudinal study of C. elegans reveals a novel locomotion switch, regulated by Gαs signaling, eLife 2:e00782 (2013).
- M. A. Tabei*, S. Burov*, H. Y. Kim, A. Kuznetsov, T. Huynh, J. Jureller, L.H. Philipson, A.R. Dinner, and N.F. Scherer, Intracellular transport of insulin granules is a subordinated random walk. Proceedings of National Academy of Science,110,4911(2013).
- S. Burov and E. Barkai, Weak subordination breaking for the quenched trap model, Physical Review E 86, 041137, (2012).
- S. Burov and E. Barkai, Residence Time Statistics for N Renewal Processes, Physical Review Letters 107, 170601 (2011).
- Burov and E. Barkai, Time Transformation for Random Walks in the Quenched Trap Model, Physical Review Letters 106, 140602 (2011).
- Jeon, V. Tejedor, S. Burov, E. Barkai, C. Selhuber-Unkel, K. Berg-Sørensen, L. Oddershede, and R. Metzler, In Vivo Anomalous Diffusion and Weak Ergodicity Breaking of Lipid Granules Physical Review Letters 048103 (2011).
- Burov, J. Jeon, R. Metzler and E. Barkai, Single Particle Tracking in Systems Showing Anomalous Diffusion: the Role of Ergodicity Breaking, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 1800 (2011).
- Burov, R. Metzler, and E. Barkai, Aging and Nonergodicity Beyond the Khinchin Theorem, Proceedings of National Academy of Science 107, 13228 (2010).
- R. Metzler, V. Tejedor, J.-H. Jeon, Y. He, W.H. Deng, S. Burov, E. Barkai, Analysis of Single Particle Trajectories: From Normal to Anomalous Diffusion, Acta Physica Polonica B 40, 1315 (2009).
- S. Burov and E. Barkai, Fractional Langevin Equation: OverDamped, UnderDamped and Critical Behaviors, Physical Review E. 78, 031112 (2008).
- He, S. Burov, R. Metzler, and E. Barkai, Random Time-Scale Invariant Diffusion and Transport Coefficients, Physical Review Letters 101, 058101 (2008). Selected by Physics Viewpoint of APS.
- S. Burov and E. Barkai, Critical Exponent of the Fractional Langevin Equation, Physical Review Letters 100, 070601, (2008).
- S. Burov and E. Barkai, Occupation Time Statistics in the Quenched Trap Model, Physical Review Letters 98, 250601 (2007).
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